Rotate Image

Drag and drop an image here

- or -

Choose an image

Maximum upload file size: 1.5 MB

Use Remote URL
Upload from device

Rotate Settings

Counter Clockwise

Sometimes images are displayed upside down or upside down when you open your computer or even after you have published them online. The easiest method to prevent an improper orientation is to hold the camera in the proper position while making a photograph. But that's probably not enough when opening the picture in a computer program that does not recognize orientation-related Images.

Default orientation depends on a smartphone or camera a photograph was taken with. A majority of devices store the orientation metadata based on what sensor is used to determine the camera's location. In some apps, images will appear unnatural because the orientation tag is not taken into consideration. If this happens, you can physically rotate the image by 90° left or right , to switch the its orientation from landscape portrait, or vice versa, or the other way around. Amazingly, the quality of the photos rotated will not be diminished since their internal pixel data remain intact.

To rotate an image, just upload it from your hard drive, a link or an online cloud server.

After the image has been loaded onto your canvas, you can rotate it to the left or right, as well as mirror it horizontally, or vertically, using the buttons. If you'd prefer to free move the image around using the slider, you can also use the slider.

You want to save your changes as you go? After that, click "Apply". Once you're done with the application Click on "Save File". On the other side, select additional options for image editing such as DPI or format.

Apart from our white-label image editor API, we provide a variety of real time Image Editing API such as a rotate image API to let any platform easyly integrate the Image Processing solution into any backend or application.

Tejas Parmar

CEO / Co-Founder

I am Tejas Parmar. Currently, I'm working on every kind of Digital Marketing activities as well as a full-time blogger. My expertise in Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ), WordPress, and Web development.

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